Friday, September 21, 2012

Everyone is originally from Africa.

Everyone is originally from Africa.

DNA tests have confirmed that all humans are related to ancient people who migrated out of Africa around 125,000 years ago.

Somewhere in a backwoods barn there is a Ku Klux Klan meeting happening with all of its members sitting quietly sobbing around a laptop in disbelief.  This is of course granted that: 1.) They know what a computer is and 2.) They know how to read.

We are all descended from Africans
They are sobbing because they just found out that we are all African; South African to be precise.  That’s right racists and bigots alike; you had better pull out your handheld mirrors and take a good hard look at yourself because if you stare long enough you will see your inner-African start to hate yourself more than you already do.

A new study of genetic markers from six-hunter gatherer groups in South Africa found that they possess the greatest genetic diversity in the world, meaning that all of humanity may have started from there.

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